Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the green monster

recently i have seen many blogs talking about the green monster smoothie, so I decided to give it a try because its a great combo of fruits and veggies and calcium. the great part about the smoothie, for me at least is that it includes spinach which is a great source of protein for vegetarians like me. probably the even better part is that once you add in the fruit and whatever else you want, you dont even taste the spinach! the one i made today was spinach, milk, banana and chocolate chips and let me tell you it was pure deliciousness!!! lately i've really liked bananas and spinach and due my roommates obsessive baking habits chocolate. so why not mix all three? let me tell ya, you should really try it! i wanted to lick my magic bullet and cup clean!

my cup and all the fixings! let me know if you try it or have other green monster recipes :) have a nice hump day!

1 comment:

  1. mm, I make one of these almost every day. They are so delish! Never added chocolate chips though...I tend to add slimfast chocolate though...same thing..kinda ;)


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